Un espai per a compartir... converses lleugeres, somriures còmplices, tes aromàtics, tardes tranquil·les...

diumenge, de gener 20, 2013

Els camins de la creativitat

Un dels meus propòsits per al 2013 és trobar més espai per a la creativitat dins el meu dia a dia: gaudir creant, ja sigui un poema, una bossa, un article o un pastís. Amb calma, assaborint el pas a pas, i aprenent a donar les coses per acabades, encara que siguin imperfectes.

Uiiix, coneixent-me, això últim em costarà, però em comença a agradar cada vegada més aquesta paraula: Imperfecte... Ja, ja! ¿Per què sé valorar les coses que fan els altres, tot i que no són perfectes,  i no ho faig amb les meves? Mmmmm... Imperfecte... El meu repte!

De moment, començo el nou-any-creatiu,  amb una lectura inspiradora: "Creative Thursday: everyday Inspiration to Grow your Creative Practice" de Marisa Anne.

Us transcric un fragment que m'agrada especialment:

"Somewhere I heard that when a group of five-year-old is asked to raise their hand if they can draw, all of their hands go up in the air; but when asked that question later in life, very few, if any, hands go up. I'm not sure what happens for each of us between the ages of five and "sometime later", but can we agree to ignore the standards of what society defines as being artistic and get back to creating already?

If you resisted your creativity, you can set quite a lot into motion just by taking these first two steps.
This might be a good time to remember to breathe and just be, and see what comes up for you. For instance, you might begin to think about what your fauvorite medium to work in is. You might think about what you enjoy most in your life, along with where you are doing when inspiration tipically floats in." 

Marisa Anne from Creative Thursday

Molt bon i creatiu any a tots i totes!